You have two choices, either you can make sure your project has your full undivided attention or not. Because life is hectic and precious I usually fall into the later category. I think to myself “No problem, The Associate is doing her homework, I’ll make some precision miter cuts for the cabinet trim.” This sounds like a splendid idea, theoretically. Ten minutes later I am chanting the measurements out loud as I climb down my ladder. The chanting helps a little, it sort of signals to The Associate that I am in fact doing something that cannot be interrupted, but you are probably asking yourself “why doesn’t she just write it down?” You are a genius, however I may have left my pencil inside.. with my tape measure… or I may have left that little piece of paper I ripped off of The Associates homework to scribble on inside as well after discovering my pencil tangled up in my rat nest hairdo. As you can see many things can happen, and the moral of the story is “Your project will actually go faster if you do it when your family isn’t bothering you.”