measure ten times cut once or twice depending.
You have two choices, either you can make sure your project has your full undivided attention or not. Because life is hectic and precious I usually fall into the later category. I think to myself “No...
View Articlethree generations of awesome.
I have mentioned her before, my friend’s 90 year young grandmother, Lois and the publication of her first novel.…e-when-i-am-90/ Lois Jeavons, also...
View ArticleDarling Nicky
I am a wee bit of a fabric hoarder. There is an unknown quantity available at any time, to people I like. Thank goodness my friend Nicky needed curtains. It gave me an opportunity to hone those rusty...
View Articlejewelry converts #1 and #2 (ongoing DIY)
There are many cool earrings out there in the wild masquerading as clip-ons. I have tried to wear them but, no thanks, it is less painful to change them quickly and cheaply. I own an abundance of...
View ArticleJewelry Converts #3,4,5 (ongoing diy)
While flipping my closet out for summer attire I realized that my wardrobe has lost its flavor. I used to be prone to outrageous combos, and was a real fan of double-knit. Maybe now that I am “older”...
View Articlejewelry converts #7,8,9 (ongoing DIY series)
Life is pretty busy. I am working on a huge project called ARTFUL and my days quickly get filled up with meetings and such. In an effort to stay creative without the benefit of time I am continuing...
View ArticleKnobby
I collect things. It could be years, or it could be minutes, but I will eventually use everything I find. I have bins, lots of bins, they line the shelves and confuse my family. I imagine I am a...
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